The Vienna NGO Committee on the Family was originally founded in 1985 as a platform for exchange of information on family issues with the support of the then United Nations Center for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs, to offer coordination and facilitation and promotion of the activities of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) represented at the United Nations, who are interested in questions relating to families, and to convene meetings, and facilitate liaison with United Nations agencies, governments, other Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), research institutions etc.
The Vienna NGO Committee on the Family has grown to understand itself as a bridge between families-oriented Civil Society Organisations, the United Nations, Member States of the United Nations, and their governments, and Academic Institutions. The Vienna Committee further offers knowledge resources, on issues relating to families, through the online networks set up and maintained by the Committee at: and the online archive of the tenth anniversary of the United Nations International Year of the Family (IYF) in 2004 at: as well as at to observe IYF+20 in 2014. The online publication, by the Committee, of the Quarterly Bulletin Families International can be accessed and downloaded on the homepage of the Committee at:
Annual Report 2024 (220 KB)
Office of the Chairperson:
Vienna NGO Committee on the Family
Valeria Foglar-Deinhardstein M.Sc.
Liechtensteinstrasse 111-115
1090 Vienna I

associated membership
board members
International Organizations with full membership
Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW)
Baháยดí International Community
Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Universit (BKWSU)
Caritas Internationalis
Colombian Confederation of NGOs
European Federation of Women in the Home (FEFAF)
European Union of Women (EUW)
Federation of Catholic Family Associations in Europe (FCFAE)
Fédération Internationale des Centres de Préparation au Marriage (FICPM)
Help Age International
International Association of Charities (AIC)
International Catholic Child Bureau (ICCB)
International Confederation of Christian Family Movements (ICCFM)
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU)
International Council of Jewish Women (ICJW)
International Council of Women (ICW)
International Council of Pyschologists (ICP)
International Council on Alcohol and Addictions (ICAA)
International Council on Management of Population Programmes (ICOMP)
International Federation for Family Development (IFFD)
International Federation for Home Economics (IFHE)
International Federation for Parent Education (IFPE)
International Federation of Business and Professional Women (IFBPW)
International Federation on Ageing (IFA)
International Kolping Society
International Round Table for the Advancement of Counselling (IRTAC)
LDS Charities
World Family Organisation (WFO)
Italian Centre of Solidarity (ICS)
Pax Romana (ICMICA-IMCS)
Plataforma per la Família Catalunya - ONU
Prosalis (Projecto De Saude EM Lisboa), Portugal
Foundation for the Rights of the Familiy (PRODEFA)
Salvation Army (SA)
Service and Research Foundation of Asia on Family and Culture (SERFAC)
Soroptimist International (SI)
World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS)
World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women (WFMUCW)
Make Mothers Matter (MMM)
World Vision International
Zonta International
(41 organizations)

Associations with "associated" membership
Acción Familiar - Spain
African Association for Literacy and Adult Education
Avanta - The Virginia Satir Network - USA
Club of Large Families, Slovakia
Commissió de la Infáncia de "Justicia i Pau" - Spain
Familienbund der Deutschen Katholiken - Germany
Institut für Ehe und Familie - Vienna
Instituto de Ciencias Familiares - Uruguay
Katholischer Familienverband Österreichs
Marino Institute of Education - Ireland
Menschenwürde bis Zuletzt - Austria
National Association of Large Families - Hungary
NGO Forum on Families - India
Organizatia Vecinatatea/National Association of Large Families - Romania
Österreichischer Familienbund
Parents Forum USA
Slovakian Society for Family and Responsible Parenthood
Slovenian Association of Friends of Youth, Association of Families
Society for Psychological Assistance - Croatia
The Family Center Zagreb
Verein für Konsumenteninformation - Austria
YMCA - Zivá Rodina, Czech Republic
(22 organizations)


List of Board officers:
Chairperson: Valaeria Foglar-Deinhardstein M.A., European of Women
Deputy-Chairperson: Wolfgang Engelmaier M.A., Kolping International
Secretary: Peter Crowley: Ph.D., International Council of Psychologists
Deputy-Secretary: Katharina Muegler, Kolping International
Treasurer: Julia Zacharenkova, European Union of Women
List of Board Members:
Julia Birner B.A., Families International
Christin Kohler M.A., Families International
Karin Kuzmanov M.Sc., Families International
Laura Mysliwiec, Committee Digital-Netowrks Coordinator
Isabella Nening M.A., Families International
Sebastian Oberreiter, Committee Digital-Netowrks Coordinator
Franziska Reichel B.A., Committee Coordinator
United Nations Commission for Social Development
Dr. Eleonora Reis Teixeira da Costa-Rossoll
Federation of Catholic Family Associations
Dr. Maria Riehl, Women's Federation for World Peace International